Monday, August 17, 2009


There are many things I can do as one who is looking for a job, and one of those things is the act of networking. 

There are many places one can network, and they don't always have to be a set place. Over the weekend I sat down at church with different groups of individuals within the congregation during a picnic function following the service. There I am able to discuss what I am looking for, and what they are looking for, those who are looking for work, and you never know who those people may know outside of church, and what opportunities might be presented due to such informal meetings. 

I also use this time to pray for their need, and receive prayer in return. 

Networking does not have to hard, use any and all opportunities set before you, because you never know, and amazing things may happen. 


Friday, August 14, 2009


I am currently working in a contract job for IBM, but am keeping my options open.
It is an intersting environment working in the financial industry, but I am not working with items hands on, it is more of a concepts job, and understanding how to implement new tchnologies, not actually getting to work on them.

So the search continues for a permanent, and stable environment, where I can excercise my talents more effectivly.